Saturday, January 19, 2008

Una nota con più stile

Soooo...J. Ax released a single with another band from Milano called "The Styles." The Styles sound awesome, but unfortunately all their songs are in English. This was rather confusing for me, since their website was sprinkled with both languages and I didn't know if this was because the Internet was messing with my mind or what.
Anyway, I like the song.
EDIT: This video is not the best quality. I had a better one, but by the time I get them up and translated, youtube has already deleted the video. Argh! I need to find another way to put songs on here without relying on youtube (it is possible) but I'm too lazy when it comes to technology.

Le testi:

Ho un lavoro come tutti ma il mio ha piu' stile
I have a job like everyone else by mine has more style

papà in pensione, io avrò povertà senile
Father is retired, I will have senile poverty

mia mamma ha ragione, non mi sò vestire
My mother is right, I don't know how to dress myself

ma ho uno stilista che mi guarda per capire
But I have one stylist that watches in order to understand me

cavalli c'ha i milioni, io niente da investire
I'm having problems with this one. First, I'm not too sure if "c'ha" is "ci ha" or something else (Italian pronouns still trip me up) and "cavalli" could mean "horses," "knights," or "crotches (as in pant crotches)." And is the "ha" referring to the "stilista" in the previous line or what? Also, "investire?" "I have nothing to" what? I have nothing to invest? I have nothing to attack? I have nothing to run into?

cavalli fa i calzoni, il mio cavallo ha più stile
I know this first half is some sort of pun, since "cavallo dei canzoni" means "privates/crotch." The second half probably says "My crotch has more style."

baglioni c'ha la villa io devo impazzire
Something something the villa I must go crazy (althought I like "I must freak out" better, but I am a kind of person that freaks out).

la casa in circonvalla però ha più stile
The house in Circonvalla (which I am guessing is a suburb of Milan?), but it has more style

ho la casa disegnata, da bombole spray
I have the house designed, (from cynlinder spray? I've heard J. Ax use "bombole" in another song, so it could be slang for something.)

ho la faccia segnata, ma non me ne vado mai
I have a scarred face, but I never go away (nb: andarsene= to go (away), to leave)

io ho più stile, senza sapere perche' più stile
I have more style, without knowing why (more style)

ogni difetto mi da più stile come la notte nei baaar
Every flaw/shortcoming gives me more style like the night in the bars

che suona musica sempre uguale, suono uguale, sono uguale con più stile(+ stile)
that plays music always the same, I play the same, I am the same with more style (more style)

non bevo champagne la birra ha piu' stile
I don't drink champagne, beer has more style

e lei ti fa girare non ti fa venire

And she passes around you, not coming up to you

e sei un casanova fatto per tradire
and you are a made Casanova in order to deceive

fedele a una sola e vecchia scuola ma ha piu' stile!
faithful to just one and old school but it has more stile!

hai un fisico da armadio e l'auto per colpire
You have a physique wardrobe and a car in order to impress

io solo l'autoradio che però ha piu' stile
I only have a car radio that however has more style

cd masterizzati e buchi sul sedile
CD Masterizzati (a car stereo-system) and holes on the seat

di fianco a un maserati resto con piu' stile
Alongside of a Maserati I remain with more style

ha la faccia rilassata perchè un ricco non è brutto,
It has a relaxed face because a rich man is not bad-looking

ho la faccia segnata di chi si spende tutto
I have the scarred face of one who spends everything

io ho più stile senza sapere perche' più stile,
I have more style without knowing why, more style,

ogni difetto mi da più stile come la notte nei baaar
Every flaw/shortcoming gives me more style like the night in the bars

che suona musica sempre uguale, suono uguale, sono uguale con più stile
that plays music always the same, I play the same, I am/they are the same with more style (more style)

ooo pò meno serio pò meno medio, meno cliche' più stile!
Ooooh little less serious, little less average, less cliché, more style!

ooo e mi distinguo freno l'istinto meno di te
Ohhh and I distinguish myself (I'm having problems with this. "freno" is "stop," "break," "distinctive," "retraint" and "istinto" is "instinct") less than you

mio nonno è stato in guerra per il mio avvenire
My grandfather was in the war for my future

la guerra dei mondi, quella vista al cine
The war of worlds, that view of China (? that could be wrong since it comes up a few lines later)

così ho potuto avere scuola e merendine
So I was able to have school and sandwhiches (I think that's the word for sandwhiches...or something)

la guerra dei mondi arriva giu' in cortile
The war of the worlds arrives down in the cortyard

la notte prima degli esami vista al cine
The night before finals veiw of China

la notte prima degli esami anfetamine
The night before finals amphetamine

scamarcio è sempre bravo e bello da morire
Scamarcio (un attore) is always great and beautiful to death

il romanzo criminale però ha piu' stile
The crime novel therefore has more style

e ha la faccia sognata da ogni ragazzina
And it has the dreamy face from every young girl

io ho la faccia segnata dalla notte prima
I have the scarred face from the night before

io ho più stile senza sapere perche' più stile,
I have more style without knowing why, more style,

ogni difetto mi da più stile come la notte nei baaar
Every flaw/shortcoming gives me more style like the night in the bars

che suona musica sempre uguale, suono uguale, sono uguale con
that plays music always the same, I play the same, I am (they are?) the same with

(che suona musica) sempre uguale, suono uguale, sono uguale con
(that plays music) always the same, I play the same, they are the same with

più stile!
more style!

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